The SharePoint Destination component allows you to write data into Microsoft SharePoint (2007 and later) from a data-flow. To configure this component, simply drag it onto a data-flow, link the predecessor component and then double-click to configure. The following interface is presented :

The first tab asks you to configure the HTTP connection to the SharePoint server, and the name (or GUID) of the associated list, as well as other connection parameters. Note that if your URL is incorrect and you are trying to access a list contained in a sub-site then you may get a spurious error from SharePoint about the list format being incorrect - lists can be specified in name form as long as the base site URL is correct.

Having configured our connection, the Data Bindings tab allows us to select the columns that we want to modify in SharePoint, or match rows upon.
The columns available include internal system columns as well as user columns. We can specify bindings from variables or data-flow columns or as constant values, and they can be bound as Values (such that they will be written to the field in SharePoint) or Keys (such that they will be equality matched in SharePoint and only matching records will be processed). It is only meaningful to specify key fields where you have the operation type specified as Update, Upsert or Delete.
To configure the binding for a column, first select the column in the list. Then type or select a binding, select the binding type, and click the Update button.
Finally the Visual Binder tab allows you to specify these bindings in an alternative graphical form (by drag and drop).