The CRM Source Component allows you to retrieve data from Microsoft CRM, versions 4 and 2011,
into a data-flow. The data is returned in tabular form, and the relationships in Microsoft CRM can be readily navigated.
To use the CRM Source Component, simply drag an instance from the toolbox and
then double click to configure. The following form is presented :

You need to enter the root
URL of your CRM server, and your configured organization name. You can
also specify a user id and password - in the absence of these your Windows
account (and at runtime the account under which SSIS runs) will be used.
Finally you can also specify a communications timeout in seconds, and a join
mode for navigating relationships.
The second tab allows you to select which entities and attributes to return.
All entities are listed in a tree control, and can be expanded to select
individual attributes that you want to capture as columns in the data-flow.

By expanding the Relationships node you can also navigate the relationships.
Here we expand the relationship from Contact to Account, thus getting the list
of contacts assoociated with each account.

Here we select FirstName and LastName.

The final tab allows us to configure the column name, data type and any filter conditions for the selected fields.

For each selected attribute that you want to return into a column, you should confirm and edit as necessary the column name and data type by clicking the 'Edit Name / Data Type' button. For each attribute that you want to filter upon, you should select a condition and an association comparison value from the dropdowns and then click the 'Update' button. You can select variables, or you can also type literal values. All attributes will be returned into the data-flow except those matching on Equals conditions, since by definition you will already know the value of these attributes.
All BlueSSIS data-flow components support properties 'Fail on truncation' and 'Unicode mode', allowing you to define applicable truncation and Unicode settings. These properties can be found in the Visual Studio/BIDS Properties window as shown below :